- Students will have the advantage of access to a professional newsroom, with online, live-wire news from Naxatra News TV channel and its webpage. The Institute subscribes to the service of PTI and APTN and practical will be conducted at Naxatra News production centre. Students are expected to make full use of the newsroom to enhance their knowledge and to put into practice what they learn in the class. With the access to the news services, they will not only get world news, but will be able to design their own news pages and compare their pages with those of newspapers and TV channels. Any student found misusing the computer system, shall be prevented from using the facility and she/he shall be liable to be expelled from the Institute.
The computer system of the Institute/ Naxatra News Room and the data available on it is strictly for educational purpose and its commercial or non-academic use is prohibited. Any student violating the rule shall be liable for expulsion from the Institute. No downloads, including of emails, shall be allowed without the permission of the Systems Administrator or the Principal.
- Students shall not bring their floppies, flash drives, CDs, Hard Disks and/or any other medium for data storage to the Institute. Any such material found on the person of any student, shall be confiscated and disciplinary action would be taken, against the student concerned. Should for some reason, a student feels the need to bring such material to the Institute, she/he should seek written permission from the Principal or Systems Administrator.
Surfing on pornographic and non-educational sites is strictly prohibited. Any student violating the rule shall be liable for expulsion from the Institute. The Institute has the right to block certain sites or to issue instructions prohibiting the access to certain sites.
The Institute may allot time slots for students/courses to ensure the availability of the computer system to the students of various courses, according to the need felt by the Institute.
The students may be given passwords for accessing the news services and other databases. The password is meant for use only by the student who has been allotted it and its transfer to anybody else, whether in the Institute or otherwise, shall be liable to punishment.